Discover love, culture, wellbeing, and community through locally-sourced food from White Plains, NY.

We cook with...


From the moment the seed hits the soil we dream of ways to satisfy your soul. Rest assured that love is the main ingredient in our recipes.


Our belief is to practice a mindful approach to our food that supports the connection between the ingredients and our health and wellbeing.



From kicking back on a foreign coast to visiting a corner cafe we gather influence for our cuisine from the multi-cultural world around us. 


Community is at the heart of what we do. From classes, events and ingredient sourcing we grow with the members of our larger family.


Break Bread not Hearts was founded in 2012 with one philosophy,

“Cooking UP Community”. 

Understanding the impact of knowing where our food comes from

and the infrastructure of our modern food system

we strive to support our local and regional farmers and producers. 


When seasonally viable we purchase the majority of our ingredients

from farmers markets in the area, leaning towards growers who practice

organic and/or sustainable and regenerative agricultural methods. 

The economic impact of how and where we direct our energy

and financial resources reinforces the foundation for a healthy and equitable livelihood

amongst the members of our community.

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